About AAWDC’s Summer FutureSuccess Internships
AAWDC’s Summer FutureSuccess Internships is a dynamic program that provides Anne Arundel County youth and young adults ages 16-24 with career exposure, essential workplace skills training, financial literacy, and a meaningful paid work experience within a career/ industry of their choice.
Internship Development
AAWDC is seeking businesses to host interns as part of our FutureSuccess Internship Program. Intern candidates will be matched to internships opportunities based on interests, location, and suitability. If preferred, businesses can interview candidates before final placement. AAWDC staff will work with businesses to build the best internship opportunity.
Overview of Internships
- Duration: 5 weeks
- Interns work 30 hours per week on a schedule set by the business
- Business staff mentors and supervises the interns
- AAWDC staff work directly with intern sites and interns to ensure successful completion
- AAWDC directly pays the interns and provides any insurance needed
Fill out the form below and a member of our team will contact you to discuss how your business can host intern(s) this summer!