On Thursday, July 12th, 2018 from 3 - 6pm, hundreds of highly-skilled job-seekers will convene at WorldAware in Annapolis, MD for a Career Invitational. WorldAware, formerly iJET, recently acquired several companies, including red24 and Prescient Traveler, to enable multinational organizations to prepare for, monitor and respond to potential threats. The newly re-branded company is hosting the technical recruitment event to support the growth of the global organization.
Drawing upon its Core Values of Innovation, Collaboration and Excellence, AAWDC has partnered with WorldAware for the Invitational - playing the critical role of identifying and attracting qualified professionals for the event. AAWDC works state-wide with businesses to build their success by providing customized workforce solutions and labor strategies. “AAWDC is the preeminent resource for connecting cybersecurity businesses and job-seekers,” said Kirkland Murray, AAWDC President and CEO, “we are proud to be partnering on this event - a nation-wide example for how industry, government and non-profits can dynamically work together in Maryland.”
Among other participating organizations are AAEDC, and Maryland-based companies Vision and Cipher. Anne Arundel Economic Development Corporation works to attract and retain businesses of all sizes so they can focus on their core mission and business growth in the heart of the nation’s cyber security efforts. Vision, an award-winning technology integrator, is made up of five business units: audio-visual, professional services, security, wireless and structured cabling capabilities that deliver superior customer service. Cipher is a technology and consulting services organization that is driving the future of competitive intelligence solutions. To learn more about each of these organizations and their unique solutions, please visit their websites.
“The safety and security of our nation is not the sole responsibility of one organization;” said Katherine Robertson, Cybersecurity Talent Consultant for AAWDC “instead, it’s predicated on the collective knowledge of our cyber workforce, which is why it’s critically important we partner to develop and connect job-seekers with the public and private organizations needing that talent.”
Do you have what it takes to join the cybersecurity workforce? Register today: http://pages.worldaware.com/WorldAware_Career_Fair_July2018.html